Report: Safety on Minecraft Servers

Our Survey Results Report showcases the community and safety challenges that Minecraft Server Owners face when managing their communities.

In May of 2021, we ran a survey of dozens of Minecraft Server Owners to understand the challenges that they most experience and are concerned about as they grow their gaming communities.

This report breaks down the major points and results of that survey, giving us a better understanding of what the Minecraft server ecosystem looks like and how we can approach the various solutions to help those communities thrive with safety and fair play in mind.

The survey was completed by 82 Minecraft Server Owners that use hosting services. They represent minors and adults, public and gated servers, PvP, collaborative, creative, survival, mini-games, and others.

We asked nearly a dozen questions that covered the following topics:

  • What motivates a Minecraft server owner?
  • What is the target age-range for players?
  • What toxic and harmful behaviors are frequently experienced?
  • What child safety measures are in place?
  • Privacy Regulation Compliance

While looking over the results, we found that there were a number of challenges that Minecraft servers face which could be prevented and mitigated by providing additional safety tech tools and educational materials.

It's incredibly exciting to see people pursuing their visions of creativity and game development, and with appropriate safety tech tools and guidance from industry experts, they have a great opportunity to find success.

We look forward to providing those tools and materials to the wider community in the coming days, and encourage others to join us in hard conversations about how to tackle these challenges.

We would love to hear what you’re doing to make the gaming industry a safer and more inclusive environment.

Tell us about it using the form below.


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